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Here at the Hale Kipa Fund Raising Dinner
last Friday with two OHA Trustees
Keoni Souza and Brickwood Galuteria,
family and old friends.
OHA has been a great supporter of
Makahiki Season of Peace and
Prison Ministry programs
in the Hawaii Prisons

Dr. Guanson in photo above in our Hui Baibala Class at Halawa Correctional. This past Monday we awarded 20 students with NT Hawaiian English Bibles. This class is focused on the study of the Revised Common Lectionary Seasons and Sunday Gospel Lessons in Hawaiian and English and Hawaiian word studies. Mahalo to the Prison Ministries Project of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii and many local churches, volunteers and contributors

4th Wednesday Ohana Food Outreach
setting up at St. Stephen’s this week
The NUMBERS (28FEB2024)
COFO Event at ST. STEPHENS here are stats:
Feb 28th Totals:
Households – 126
Adults – 331
Children – 225
Volunteers – 17
Total Lbs of food – 6,469 (Regular & TEFAP)
51 lbs per household or 51 meals per family
Total meals 6460 meals provided


Getting Ready for Peas on Earth
a peacemaker and justice seekers
lessons program and food outreach
at the Pacific Peace Center B 103
at Towers Kuhio Park March 12th 10:30 am
Waiawa Correctional Makahiki Prayer Circle
at the beginning of a Makahiki Ceremony.
More culture based rehabilitation
programs needed for the
majority population of Native Hawaiians
in the prisons and criminal justice system.

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