Ke Kama Pono – Youth at Risk Safe House visiting with residents and evening staff at dinner time yesterday Josiah, Kaden, Jen 2.28.24 Bac Pac Lady’s at St. Andrew Cathedral in the Hall of the of Saints yesterday (2.28.24) after making 25 beautiful bac pacs for Halawa and OCCC Reentry, come to the blessing this Sunday in 8:00 and 10:00 services. Dr. Haaheo preaching. HERE ARE THE MORNING PRAYERS – TAP HERE FOR KALEMA – LENT PRAYERS Halawa Makahiki Ai Ha’a Lily Pond at UH Cancer CenterEarly morning Blessing yesterday on Feb 28 at 8 amThe UH Cancer Center is 1 of 72 Natinal Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated cancer centers in the US. We are up for renewal, so 14 NCI site visitors began to review Cancer Center proposal and meet with researchers (and ask questions), Hawaii Cancer Consortium partners, UH president, and other dignitaries. The NCI visitors were to also visit here from 7:30 to about 2:00 pm. We hope to get NCI designation renewed for the next 5 years. Prayers and Support Pre Pandemic photo of Native Hawaiian Church (PJRC) a religious entity created and approved for Makahiki and other cultural programs in the prisons and reentry a gathering at Iolani Palace.