Here is the beautiful church that my engineer great grandfather (Wilbur Romaine Patterson) helped to build in Wailuku, Maui, many years ago (1912). He was on his way to the Philippines during the days of the Spanish American war, stopped in Hawaii, married Lillian Pili Kekoanui, had 13 children, then went to Oregon. The Pili Kekoanui ohana have ancestral roots in Hana and Kaupo. Prayers for Maui and all the ohana in need of recovery and hope!

of the bamboo cross on
Good Friday on the hillside
at Halawa Correctional 2023
Haaheo, Mary, Barbara, Cassie, Kylie

maxing out from Halawa Correctional. I was able to “meet and greet” and support him on his new journey and life with a bac pac from St. Elizabeth that was tied to one of the mini donkeys (see photo below). I had a sleeping bag to give him and a case of ramen. He was wearing reentry clothes that we had packaged for Halawa Intake Services, at our Kaumakapili Church work day a few months ago. The shirt above was donated by the Hawaii Yacht Club and the shorts from the Episcopal Prisons Ministry Project.

two mini donkeys (Gidgit and Guy)

at St. Elizabeth on Palm Sunday

beautiful Kaumakapili Church (1911)
after the round the block
Palm Sunday Parade and the
Zone of Peace and Nonviolence
with community partners (3.24.24)