March 24th Palm SundayHere I am in the Kalihi Palama neighborhood again at Kaiulani Elementary School with Dr. Haaheo and Principal Jill working on a new Zone of Peace and Nonviolence with St. Elizabeth, Kaumakapili, Kaiulani Elem., Kalihi Palama Health, Tamashiro Market, Mayor Wright Housing, Everyone coming together for a Mar 24th Palm Sunday Parade“Walk Around the Block” HERE ARE THE MORNING PRAYERS – TAP HERE FOR FASTING AND PRAYERS IN THE SEASON OF LENT View of Kaumakapili Church and St. Elizabeth side by side on King St. from Kaiulani Elementary across the street St. Elizabeth next door to Kaumakapili on King St. w/ Kanoa St. in back Kaumakapili next door to St. Elizabethon King St. w/ Kanoa St. in back Tamashiro Market next door to Kaumakapili on Palama St. and King St. Mayor Wright Housing on Pua Lane next to Kalihi Palama Health and St. Elizabeth Here in Kalihi on Dillingham at OCCC with Mailo and Bac Pacs for two men in reentry on their way to 6 months program w/ Salvation Army At St. Peters yesterday picking up Bac Pacs yesterday with Mailo. Mahalo to Susan (St. Peter’s) for assisting. Big mahalo to Pastor Diane for all her years of support, and St. Peters