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Dear Ohana,

Months of efforts were rewarded yesterday in the Ohana Food Outreach at the Towers of Kuhio Park.

Mahalo for your prayers and support of COFO (Roanridge Fund), and the developing Central Oahu and Urban Honolulu Food Outreach Collaborative, and Food Security and Disaster Preparedness.

The Towers outreach yesterday will be expanded in 2024 to provide a two food outreach each month to the estimated 700 families of Kuhio Park.

Prayers for the many volunteers of Kuhio Park who will have specialized training in outreach, food security and disaster preparedness. Prayers for the many families with limited resources. Prayers for the Hawaii Food Bank.

Prayers for the Pacific Peace Center of Kuhio Park providing critical leadership as a site partner in the COFO Collaborative, and other community partners such as PACTS and Better Tommorrow.


12 pallets and over 6000 lbs. of food and produce were provided yesterday by Hawaii Foodbank. Here is Audrey with Love in Action.
Almost 40 volunteers were activated yesterday to sort and distribute food. Here they are implementing the use of plastic containers. These are concrete mixing containers that I picked up the night before from Home Depot. They worked out very well.
The food outreach required an 8:00 am set-up and clean up at 11:00 am. Mahalo to our St. Stephen’s set up crew Xal, Nahealani, and Kekoa, Mailo, and Bryan, they work hard and do a great job. Mahalo to Ilima our volunteer coordinator and Haaheo and Nalani with the Peace Center, Mama T and Audrey with Love in Action.

Tommorrow is our 4th Wednesday Food Outreach at St. Stephen’s 9:30 am. All welcome!

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