Hui Baibala this morning in the Gospel Jesus tells story of a man going on journey, (last Sunday too the Bridegroom) but he’ll be back, when he leaves he giving away gold or talents, and the last one burying his, probably indigenous, does not care for gold, returns it to the land. We remember Jesus and rich young ruler, Jesus tells to sell all he has and follow Jesus.
Next Sunday Jesus separating the goats from the sheep, no gold is good, just caring for others! Feed the hungry, visit those in prison, good water for the thirsty, don’t be like those in the temple, the goats, be sheep.
Prayers for those who need kokua, and love. Be sheep not goats.

Canoes are good, they take us into the ocean, where all life begins, creation and the spirit is of God.

The ama helps to keep the canoe from tipping over, it’s the outrigger that provides stability and support. We all need help, God is our help!

Jesus spent lot’s of time on the Sea of Galilee, and the beach, and surrounding territories, in a boat (moku) fishing, teaching, cruising, traveling, calm and stormy weather.

This is our second taro garden by Xal, Kekoa, Lopaka, and Charles. Here a photo of the 10×30 garden – Mala Kalo, that was planted last Saturday with 100 kalo huli (sprouts). This garden with be use to promote family and community gardens, and food d security education and advocacy. (COFO Roanridge Fund)

Beautiful, Kahu. Most valuable treasure in one love. Yeshua sure did an awesome job showing us the way. Loving one another, and seeking the Kingdom First. Let us witness miracles together, family. ❤️🙏🏽
Mama T