Episcopalians do not have an established doctrine or dogma. Instead, our faith is grounded in our common life together as experienced in worship and community and united by our love of God and others. While Episcopalians don’t have a codified, written doctrine, we do embrace the tenants of faith contained in the ancient creeds (Apostles’ Creed and Nicene Creed.)
An email yesterday from Roberto Johnson (the St. Stephen’s Warden):
Just wanted to send out another reminder for this coming Saturday (June 1) Church Improvement Day from 10AM to 2PM. This will give us a chance to focus on some areas of improvement as a group, to include:
Sanctuary, Kitchen, Parish Hall, Lanai, Sidewalks & Handrails, Painting & Cleaning.
I will be picking supplies up from Lowes on Thursday afternoon.
Please let me know if there is anything in particular you think I should purchase or pick up?
Warm regards,
I will also be bringing some pruning supplies, my tool belt, and pressure washer.