A few of the good looking disciples of Jesus at St. Stephen’s on Father’s Day last summer getting ready for a 12 foot Hero’s (Subway) sandwich luncheon! Jesus began his ministry in Caperneum at the Synagogue with his first disciples. HERE ARE THE MORNING PRAYERS – TAP HERE A JOIN WITH OTHERS IN THE PRACTICE OF PRAYERS Here are a few of the St. Elizabeth Wally House disciples sharing food and sharing love Wally himself at the Wally House sharing food and sharing loveat St. Elizabeth’s in Kalihi next to Kaumakapili Church T-Shirt Fundraiser for Leileihua High School Athletics here a logo that will be printed on T-Shirts honoring the Honda’s! All welcome to make a donation! New Banner at the Park in Wahiawa, two others banners for Whitmore Food Outreach Every 2nd Monday All Welcome to make a donation towards COFO (Roanridge) Food Outreach Prayers & Remembering Jean, Sadao, and Gail (& Kipp) Honda Akamai at the Maili Stream Breakwall known to old-timers as “Green Lanterns”