WAILUKU UNION CHURCH Here is the beautiful church that my engineer great grandfather (Wilbur Romaine Patterson) helped to build in Wailuku, Maui, many years ago…
Makua Beach Early Morning Baptism yesterday 3.16.24here Saxxon (5 months) with father Sepa and mother Sasa. Remembering Kupuna Richard Stephen’s. Remembering the Makua Protestant Church…
GOLDEN EGG for MARTHA PETERSON OHANA Peterson Upland Egg Farm Appreciation Sunday with Sandra & Irene 3.10.24 Wahiawa Community Health & Ke Ola Mamo Hawaiian…
2nd Wednesday Drive Thru Food Outreach at St. Stephen’s yesterday. Heavy rains & determined volunteersMahalo! Over 7000 lbs. of food including fresh produce distributed Hawaii…